Posts Tagged ‘WTF’

Teknoman / Tekkaman Blade Intro Redux 02

OHHHHHH MY GOOOOOOOODDDD someone did a remix of one of my favorite anime of the 90’s DAAAAMMMNNNNN. I loved this anime when I was but a mere lad. DAMN YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW THIS SHIT WAS THE BOMB. As you may have guessed I was excited to hear a nostalgic remix. This is one dubbed anime I actually preferred over the Japanese which sadly happens to be less than ten. For this particular anime They found the right voice actors and the music simply kicked ass. For anyone who gets the chance look for the anime. Naturally when I like an anime I will actually purchase the box set if not well you know the rest .. On the other note the Dragonball z Dubb was horrid, sorry but I rather prefer the voice and music of the Japanese version more energy and emotion. Just ranting. TTTTEEEEKKKNNNOOO PPPOOOOWWEEERRRR BBBLLLLAAASSTTTEEERRRR DDDDAAMMMMNNN.. JJJIIZZZZZ!!!
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YaaDi The Series *JAMAICAN CARTOON* Episode 4 (Fast Move Pt2)

What if Jamaicans made south park.. well this is exactly the thought that came into my mind when I saw this. In time they may get better in the art area but it delivers in dialogue and story, a great ride which I cannot get enough of keep up the great work.
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