Posts Tagged ‘robots’


So lets jump into it. Boom Tag X is a comic, an animated series and also a game being created by the very stylish Artist/Animator Shawna Mills aka Lazymills. Currently, Lazy mills and her team have a kickstarter to hell them get a sizzle pilot out to possibly get the series funded, check out her work and if possible support this project. I have supported 16 kickstarter projects thus far one of them was her book project and she delivered on that book. On another note by no means is Ms Mills a lazy artist even though her online tag is LAzymills she has shown some amazing skill with the pen and has proven herself numerous times with her output and dedication to the craft. She has worked for numerous studios loaning her amazing visual finesse. Like a hawk I have observed her skill blossom into something beyond amazing her body of work is so consistent and being a fellow artist I have to always give her a shout out when I see her working on her own creator-owned merchandise.
So if you can give her project a look and some love.


DAYUM!! BUMBLEBEE A Transformer movie.

Well damn this film by it self felt more awesome than the last several transformer films and the main chunk of the film only focused on three of the transformers. It first started of featuring the Cybertron war, where we got introduced to Prime, Bee and a slew of other transformers whose names I forgot. It then jumped into alot of other spoiler stuff which I won’t spoil and I feel it’s best to leave that to you the audience to jump in and enjoy it. There were several parts I disliked but overall the film was entertaining and when it ramped up boy did it ramp up. The visuals were stunning and the atmosphere and scale was ever so present. I believe limiting the amount of bots helped this film as it allowed the film to narrow it’s field of view and simply try to give a little story which I really felt was more a human story than a transformers tale, the bots just happen to be in it. The first transformer live action was probably the next one I loved the rest were simply films. Either way peeps go out and enjoy it, or wait to catch it on a streaming service.

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