Posts Tagged ‘reality’

DAYUM!!–Usain Bolt-The Fastest Man Alive


So I am here watching Usain Bolt the Fastest Man Alive and it give me such a sense of pride knowing that a fellow Jamaican has placed his name and life on the map of human memory and has existed in my lifetime. Like many we all aspire to be remembered as the memory you leave behind good or bad will define if you existed. At this stage in the game he has done just what he intended to do in his journey through life. The Surname says it all Bolt, the man that runs with the thunder.


REALTALK!!– TEDX- Homeschool vs Traditional schooling


Which is better for children homeschooling or traditional schooling. In a sense it all depends on that child sometimes not. The Duggar Family from what I recall had home schooled their children. This ted talk was regarding a young lad who was home schooled, from an outside perspective he benefited. One thing I can truly say is that the traditional education system has not adjusted to the times as children now have more access to information than they did in the past and if there is no major overall there will be stagnation. I had a discussion with a spiritual leader regarding the notion that children are simply bored of the current structure. Teach a child in a manner they will enjoy and are currently used to as their world is heavy tech based, either way enough of my rant check out the video and check out the website the video cam from. Check out this ted talk and come to your own conclusion.

Interesting. It boils down to what do you feel you life to do with your life. Do you want to waste your time doing something you hate.


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