Posts Tagged ‘newgrounds’

DAYUM!!–Battle Block Theatre by “thebehem0th”


Yeah I missed the release but then decided hey lets see what is on xbox arcade and to my surprise a game that I was so anticipating was release months ago which I totally missed.

I have always like the game dev group thebehemoth, their game castle crashers was one of my prime decision makers for selecting a xbox over ps3. I was never a steady gamer so I never really cared much. I played games when I felt like it not much an everyday thing but when it was time to playing a good game I would play the heck out of that game. Other games I liked were Rayman legends, the zelda series, the metroid series, the halo series, street fighter, killer instinct, Soul Calibur and every so often the mario series, there are other games but they don’t just pop into my head. Actually there is one more the armored core series, but they are not like before when it was fun to play that series.

Getting back to the topic at hand this game much like some of the well designed indy games is simply amazing and fun. It was a joy to play, the second I started up the demo/trial I knew yes this is a game I will purchase and will enjoy. It’s hard to spend money on a game in all honesty sucks. It might appeal to some but me it’s simply boring not trying anything new, not engaging my mind not pulling, not being captivating enough. There are many games out there like that and so far this game is not one of them. So if you own an xbox download the trial play and you may just enjoy it.

Check out the user’s page

DAYUM!! Awesome Flash Game- World’s End Chapter 1

Awesome game

Awesome game

Woah I have not gotten hooked on a Rpg in a while and this was just a simple flash game. Well not really simple but a game that seemed that it had all the right elements that made a great game. It is a must play. This was a great break, fun and simply nostalgic brings the old school rpg game but with a fresh look and feel with a rather compelling and well written story and dialogue.

Check out the user’s page

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