Posts Tagged ‘lol’

DAYUM!!- Hateful Eight – WOW


What a great 2016 kick off, Quentin Tarantino delivered on what I love about his movies. Most critics seem to grade a movie based on some arbitrary basis and miss the point, then again people are entitled to their opinions. There will be “NO Spoilers” here simply watch the movie. What I can note about this film is the set up to the climax which was quite entertaining and surprising. With all the cards layered question everything and pay attention to everything as this will give clues to what will play out. It’s not a hard to digest film, it’s entertaining and the dialogue plays out like real life I suspect that is what makes this film believable up until it opens up. That’s as much as I will say without spoiling the film. Watch it in a theater if you get a chance, if not a large screen tv.


DAYUM!!–Star vs The Forces Of Evil!!!!!


It’s been a while since I have peeped the cartoons currently been shown on disney, as I currently don’t have children plus I have little time to check out the normal tv programming, if it’s not on netflix and or hulu I will probably miss it. It’s rare that I toon into regular tv. Either way I have not watched Star vs the forces of evil as of yet but I did see a preview and what I saw seemed interesting enough to note that this show may be worth taking a look at. This seem more entertaining than the kickstartered show Bee and Puppy cat that had a great pilot but a pathetic series, which mind you I was one of the many backers unfortunately. Here is hoping this does a better job. I always root for new animations unless they disappoint me. For more on this show check the links below.


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