Posts Tagged ‘Indy Film’

DAYUM!! Patrolling-SpaceShooter-Game

So for the last few months,my studio being OneBlazeStudioinc which is mainly myself has been working on a game that ties in with the animated short series with a similar name which is called Patrolling. The short animated series is about a space patrol and his team who were alerted to a distress beacon. Upon coming on this distress beacon the team was ambushed and from there mayhem ensures. The game takes a different path but follows along the idea that you are a space patrol whose job is to patrol the space zones and serve and protect the civilians who traverse these space ways. At this current time we simply have a demo/beta game play. Several beta software have been provided to several individual for play test and feedback before the final polish is place on the game and it is release to the public until them check out the game play video leading up to the release some time this year.

The first video show cases the game with no music track but the second shows a new Ui and game music.
have fun.

Here you can listen to the music created by one of my colleagues from another life. George DiCataldo. He has worked on the music for my first game Born-Fighters as well.

DAYUM!!!! #Netflix green lights #Cannonbusters

Being one of many supporters of #cannonbusters when it was a #kickstarter campaign I am overjoyed to hear it got picked up by #netflix for a 12 episode run. It’s a bitter sweat moment because there has been no update from the campaign heads to anyone supporters since July 16,2016. Once you start a campaign through a social network platform it is expected that one should be transparent and open, that is so far from the actual truth. I suspect more than likely in order to get the contract with netflix the team had to agree to an exclusive buy out or acquisition from netflix, much in the same way when you want to have exclusive contents locked to a Game platform system. Yes it may appear to be bad business but it’s simply business none the less. All I hope after this neflix adventure wraps is that they honor the kickstarter campaign at that point I can be satisfied. Even though I want to see Children of Ether which was another production done with the blessing of #crunchyroll I will refrain until the cannonbusters fulfillment is honored.

This reminds me of another talented artist who had to still prove his merit the great #HayaoMiyazaki. To get green lit for his First major animation #NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind, he had to create a manga and publish it which basically became the blue print for the film which was a trimmed down version of the manga. I will wait patiently for how this will play out. Incredible times we are in. We got little witches series, a new voltron and god knows which other animated series that I may have missed that went under the radar.


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