Posts Tagged ‘gamer’

HeavyMetalHanzo Heavy Metal Is The Law

This is one of those other artist I have been watching and he keeps his game tight. I would love to see an animation with his level of detail, but I can see the complexity and headaches of explaining the cost point.


Many eons ago I once loved a game called Armored core that premiered on the PsX.
Yes the original PlayStation OH so many years ago. This game was like no other
well except for some Gundam games because it was designed by a GOD DAM GUNDAM designer
anyway as I was saying this game rocked but over the years it simply dropped to sucked status
This year marked the release of the more recent Armored core 5, series not they have way more than
5 version out there as I had almost all of them and that totaled more than 10 games then again most were
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