DAYUM!! Mr Inbetween – What an amazing series
- November 29th, 2021
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Wow what a series. Mr Inbetween a series which is the continuation and conclusion to a 2005 Australian film called the magician, staring Scott Ryan as Ray Shoesmith, who happens to be a hitman. I have never seen the film so sadly I cannot compare but the tv series is phenomenal. Out the gate you are dragged thru a series of crazy unfortunate events for protagonist marks. Ray is a hitman and sadly he is efficient at his job. What the series tries to do is give this hitman a sense of a normal life. He has a daughter, a sick brother, a pain in the ass best friend who always has his back and vice-versa, a handler of sorts or better yet the person that finds him contract jobs. Ray does exhibit a sense of having some form of a code which is showing as the series unravels. You just want to root for this villain of sorts, who is simply trying to live his life. If you are a fan of breaking bad you may enjoy this series. The series is much shorter with only 30 minute episodes which amazingly fills a void. Trust me even with a shorter burst this series delivers and good grief this was a great ride which left me sadden at the conclusion. Oh, the conclusion does not disappoint just in-case you were wondering. It is a bitter sweet series that simply left my soul incomplete and simply wanted more. The writing staff really out did themselves on this series. Funny enough the series was created by Scott Ray who happens to be the star. This series had difficulties being green lit and took several years before given the go and I have to state I am elated that this was created and just sadden that it ended. If you get a chance check it out. I won’t spoil this amazing series for you with any spoiler just know that Ray has a code basically don’t screw with him, his family or his friends.