Archive for the ‘Parody’ Category

DAYUM!!-Hentai Kamen[Underwear Mask]-Deadly funny


Having been on this planet a good number of years I thought I have seen it all and apparently I have not. Hentai Kamen is yet another of those obscure things I have yet to have witnessed until today and am totally baffled it took so long to take note of this gag flick HK: Forbidden Super Hero for more this you can check out it’s IMDB page or Wikipedia which details the manga which the show was based. Have to give it to Japanese to do the honors. Anyway enough talk check it out and laugh out loud.


DAYUM!!– VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL -is back!!!!!!-Season 3**


So Video game high is back with an opening bang and it seems their budget went out the roof. These guys at Rocketjump are simply amazing and you have to give props to these gents for going at what they love with unyielding drive. It’s always a delight to see an indie studio blow bast being simply an indie studio. They have now reached cult stat with their amazing production. Rocket jump as you may know it is a joint venture of several smaller studios who have done amazing youtube projects but realize they work amazingly well together. Getting back to the season 3 launcher episode 1 without ruining too much, there are nods to well respected sports and extreme events as such the series also goes all out with the emphasis that gaming is suppose to be fun and a sort f escape from the norm. We also get a glimpse of what gaming may end up being somewhat in the not so distant future, trust me we are practically there with the V.R simulation not so much star-trek holo deck like. Regardless this episode was very welcoming and pleasing to watch. Also to not be missed was the fact that all episodes of Video Game High school along with season 3 is available for immediate purchase online, via google-play story or apple store on the Rocketjump website link will be below.

Alright enough talk go watch the season 3 episode one 40 min premiere.


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