Archive for the ‘Clip’ Category

DAYUM!!– Dragons Forever– One of the most badass fights


In Dragons Forever you get to see Jackie, Sammo, Biao Yuen, Benny’the jet’ and Yuen Wah face off in series of wonderfully choreographed fight and stunt sequences. The brutally of these fight can only be matched with the films that try to top it with their levels of insanity. I have seen many fights and stunts through out my life of watching movies but this among many is memorable as each actor has moved on to do their own thing and in their time and even today are some of the best martial artist hands down.

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Naruto VS Bleach 3D short film

Sometimes you wonder how do you miss such great pieces of work across the web, it is simply because we never get to see them or just bad marketing or placement. Either way if you are reading this you must have seen the vid above which is amazing simply a wonderful fan short. So I did some research just to find out who did this and tracked it to this link so if you really want to see more from this dude go here.

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